Abert Buttonwood - button maker & seller

Abert Buttonwood - button maker & seller

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Albert Buttonwood"
approx.8 inches high
Isle of Appleshire Series

Albert, at the young age of 175 yrs.,is a care-free resident of the village of Earthgate. He was a helpful and creative young boy who had a problem with tying bows and learning knots. He found his true calling when buttons started to become popular in the village and immediately began carving a beautiful line of styles for his family to use. His wonderful designs were such a big hit with others, that he decided to sell them. The demand grew very quickly and soon he was taking orders and hiring two other carvers. He enjoys hiking and traveling so he occasionally takes those times to peddle his buttons and find new customers in other parts of the island.
He has a soft stuffed body with head and extremities of polymer clay- Prosculpt, NO hair and hand painted eyes. He carries his walking staff, wears a leather cap, woolen pants, linen shirt and a large cape to carry and display his buttons.

Read the continuing first adventure on the Isle of Appleshire here.


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