shadow box

Copyright by Linda Apple
"Wired For Sound"
original assemblage
10.5" x 12.5 x 2.75"
Here's one for all of you who get hooked
into music and wonderful sounds~
Sealed under glass in altered frame are:
vintage photos & sheet music
electrical wires & circuit chip board
glass tubes
scrabble letters
wood and cloth

Copyright © Linda Apple
"Lake Geneva"
9.75" x 13" x 2" Shadow Box,collage/assemblage art
Here is a little mermaid for you~
Background is the inside cover of an antique book.
An antique rusty sardine tin
I created a little mermaid to fit into the tin. She has a soft cloth stuffed body with paperclay hands & face.
Vintage shell graphic & a real shell on top.
Inside box frame lined with cloth.
Sealed in box frame behind glass with hook on back for hanging.
Recycled materials.
A unique one of a kind~
click here for more available art

Copyright © Linda Apple
"One In A Million"
6" x 9" x 1.50" Shadow Box,collage/assemblage art
Here is a fun one for you~
Background is pages from a phone book and vintage pic of Coney Island.
Her hair is shredded names from a phone book and
a vintage piece of costume jewelry.
Sealed in box frame behind glass with hook on back for hanging.
Recycled materials.
A unique one of a kind~

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Let's Be Friends"
oil on 1.5" deep canvas - 8"x10"
Shadow Box Series
Another of the new series. A little hamster has
found a few coffee beans.I'm having fun with these.
These are much more involved than most of the
smaller paintings and do take quite a bit more
time to complete but I think they are worth it.
I love to create assemblage because it gives me
a chance to use all the old junk, tools and stuff,
and I love animals, so it just seems logical to
me to put them all together.
Hope you enjoy these too!
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Just a Peek"
oil on 1.5" deep canvas - 6"x8 "
Shadow Box Series
Well, here is the first in a new series. These are much more
involved than most of the smaller paintings and do take quite
a bit more time to complete but I think they are worth it.
I love to create assemblage because it gives me a chance
to use all the old junk, tools and stuff, and I love animals, so it
just seems logical to me to put them all together.
Hope you enjoy these too!
click here to ask questions about this painting or to email
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.