
Copyright by Linda Apple
"Wired For Sound"
original assemblage
10.5" x 12.5 x 2.75"
Here's one for all of you who get hooked
into music and wonderful sounds~
Sealed under glass in altered frame are:
vintage photos & sheet music
electrical wires & circuit chip board
glass tubes
scrabble letters
wood and cloth

"Music in the Woods"
6" x 6" painting on canvas
We would make sweet music together with
our ukuleles echoing the woodland sounds~
This is a mixed media painting a combination of a vintage image
and a bit of imagination with bits of music from an old song book.
All paintings come with sides painted black, ready to hang!
click here to ask questions or would like a similar painting (Please include title)

"Music to My Ears"
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
6"x 8"
Its summer and the birds are singing~
From the world of "All Things Possible"
Mixed media oil painting w/vintage photos
All paintings come with sides painted black, ready to hang!
I decided to do a series of 50 paintings@ $50 each for the summer!!
#1 of the NEW Summer Series SPECIALS
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Music Man" -oil on canvas 6"x 6"
Found this young man playing his guitar on
the street, in our art district, for some extra income.
PAYMENT PLANS ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE - just message me (include
title of painting). Shipping is calculated Priority post.
Click here for Available art!
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Old Piano"
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
8"x 10"
This is a close up painting of my old spinet piano keys.
I inherited this piano from my dad and it was the piano
that I learned to play on. My dad and I were the only ones
that used it and every time I sit down to play a little tune
I am reminded of him playing his songs on a Sat. evening
(and sometimes the dog would howl too!)
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"The Entrance"
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
I have created some paintings while visiting the world of
"All Things Possible" and some of you have wanted to go there too....
so, here is one of the doorways. I found this one in front of an
old shed behind my grandma's house.
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Music of the Future"
oil on canvas - 8"x8"
For all of my viewers that are a bit more grounded in
reality, I've gone to the streets today to bring you
an image of a long standing icon near our city's campus.....
"not the young guy".....:) but "The String Shoppe".
It seems like it was there forever years but has bit the
dust now....This young guy has to travel a lot further
to find some strings to create the music of the future!

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Welcome to the Litehouse"
mixed media on paper
I just completed a CD cover commission for a young hiphop artist.
The original was created with watercolor,ink and pencil on paper.
I thought it gave it more of an edgy but personal feel!
click here to ask questions about this painting or email
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.