little boy

"There You Are"
6" x 8" on canvas
Williams fears were unfounded when he found
the little kitten in the field of sunflowers.
Text says: There you are
Mixed media original painting
#6 of the Summer Specials
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Little Sprout"
oil on canvas
6"x 8"
It seems as though Mickey had inherited his mother's
magical green thumb at an early age.
This is a combination of an antique photos,
and some imaginative painting.
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2012 Linda Apple
"Little Helper"
oil on canvas
8"x 8"
Found this young one helping his mom with the groceries.
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright 2011 Linda Apple
"Little Boat"
Approx. 7" x 9" wide (not including antique chain for hanging)
Now AVAILABLE on etsy:
Fun little wall hanging of a little boy and his boat.
This is definitely a one of a kind, all handmade.
The background is an old hard cover of a song book
with one of the songs titled: My Little Boat
Sculpted head and hands
The boat is a weathered piece of shell I found
His hat is a fold orgami sailor hat
Other items:
screws,paper,painted wood,wire,antique chain
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you,
fill out my online commission form

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Little Boy Blue"
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
8"x 8"
This little guy wore a t-shirt that said:
"The heart of a child is born to wear a smile"
Purchase securely for only $119.95 + shipping
click here to ask questions or price on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
Fantasy Series
6"x8"-oil on canvas
After freeing the caged bird these two became fast friends.
click here to inquire price or to ask questions about this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Green Sneakers"
oil on canvas - 6"x8"
There are those "special days" when you are little and get
a trip to the best ice cream shop in town! It was such a day
for this little boy dressed in his new green sneakers.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Abstract Position" oil on canvas - 8"x8 "
art museum series
"A young boy pondering an abstract sculpture and unaware
that his stance resembles the sculpture.
This is a bit larger format; I wanted to give more of a
play with proportions."
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you,
fill out my online commission form