little boy

Little Boy & Kitten #6 of $50.oo Summer Specials

"There You Are"
6" x 8" on canvas

Williams fears were unfounded when he found
the little kitten in the field of sunflowers.

Text says: There you are
Mixed media original painting

#6 of the Summer Specials


Green Thumb - Figurative oil painting

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Little Sprout"
oil on canvas
6"x 8"

It seems as though Mickey had inherited his mother's
magical green thumb at an early age.

This is a combination of an antique photos,
and some imaginative painting.


Little Helper - figurative oil painting

Copyright © 2012 Linda Apple
"Little Helper"
oil on canvas
8"x 8"

Found this young one helping his mom with the groceries.


Little Boat - assemblage found object sculpture

Copyright 2011 Linda Apple

"Little Boat"
Approx. 7" x 9" wide (not including antique chain for hanging)

Now AVAILABLE on etsy:

Fun little wall hanging of a little boy and his boat.
This is definitely a one of a kind, all handmade.

The background is an old hard cover of a song book
with one of the songs titled: My Little Boat
Sculpted head and hands
The boat is a weathered piece of shell I found
His hat is a fold orgami sailor hat
Other items:
screws,paper,painted wood,wire,antique chain


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you,
fill out my online commission form

Little Boy Blue - figurative oil painting

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Little Boy Blue"
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
8"x 8"

This little guy wore a t-shirt that said:
"The heart of a child is born to wear a smile"

Purchase securely for only $119.95 + shipping


Best Friends- Fairy boy and bird

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
Fantasy Series
6"x8"-oil on canvas

After freeing the caged bird these two became fast friends.


Special Day

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Green Sneakers"
oil on canvas - 6"x8"

There are those "special days" when you are little and get
a trip to the best ice cream shop in town! It was such a day
for this little boy dressed in his new green sneakers.


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Abstract Position

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Abstract Position" oil on canvas - 8"x8 "
art museum series
"A young boy pondering an abstract sculpture and unaware
that his stance resembles the sculpture.
This is a bit larger format; I wanted to give more of a
play with proportions."


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you,
fill out my online commission form

Blue Boy

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple

"Blue Boy" oil on canvas - 8"x10"

art museum series - commission

portrait commission


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.