figurative art

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
"Black Sheep"
oil on 1.5" deep canvas
I thought this was a fun idea, sort of tells it all.
A store near the O.S.U.campus area called the "Black Sheep"
provides skate boards,snow boards, inline skates and apparel
for its sport fans. Was fun to see a spiked hair style ~
haven't seen one in a while.
click here to ask questions about this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
"The Proposal"
oil on canvas
This was a commission that has a really fun story!
I was approached by a young man who had BIG plans to propose to his sweetheart. These big plans included the idea of having a painting of the way he imagined it would be on that day. He had EVERY detail worked out in his head. It seemed like a big challenge but he was so sweet and it was such a romantic idea that I took it on.
He sent lots of photos of himself and his gal and said it would be on a path at a particular woods, what he would be wearing, what she would be wearing (even the shoes they would wear, how he would propose and make sure a black ring box was in his hand. Now,take into consideration that I had never met the gal and all the photos he sent me were not 3/4 or profile views and NOT in the special blue dress!
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you,
fill out my online commission form

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
"The Nude"
oil on 1.5" deep canvas
A colorful nude attracts some attention.
In today's piece I worked on creating more contrast.
By putting the foreground figures in more of a
shadow or silhouette lighting it created a stronger
contrast and draws the eye to the colorful nude.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Colorful World of Books"
oil on canvas - 6"x6"
I have an addiction to books and this bookstore
is one of my favorite places to go. I can spend
hours sitting amidst a pile of books.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Where's the Beef?"
oil on canvas - 6"x8"
Remember that old commercial?
This is an old family market, that has been around for many years.
click here to ask questions about this painting
If you didn't have a chance to purchase a painting because it was sold and would like me to recreate a similar piece for you or if there is something you would like to have painted in my style, just use the commission link below. There is never an obligation.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Time is a Funny Thing"
art museum series
oil on canvas
Mother and daughter viewing a Kandinsky painting.
This painting made me think of clocks and time, hence the title.
I know that I have many images that are captured in my mind
of quiet moments that were spent with my mother.
Those moments in time are very special.
Wassily Kandinsky Biography - 1866-1944-(Russian born Wassily Kandinsky is considered as the inventor and theorist of abstract painting in the 20th century. In 1910 Wassily Kandisnky had seen an Islamic art exhibition in Munich - a highly decorative art style that does not allow to show images of human beings. The same year Kandinsky created his first abstract painting.
click here to ask questions about this painting or email
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Getting into Pollock"
art museum series
oil on canvas
I had a lot of fun doing this one; doing an "action" painting like Pollock, only in a very small scale.
Paul Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956) was an influential American painter and a major force in the abstract expressionist movement.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Abstract Conversation"
art museum series
oil on canvas
A couple of young guys with a great bold painting inspired by Franz Kline.
(1910 – 1962) Kline was the American painter mainly associated with the Abstract Expressionist painters.
click here to ask questions about this painting or email
If you didn't have a chance to purchase a painting because it was sold and would like me to recreate a similar piece for you or if there is something you would like to have painted in my style, just use the commission link below. There is never an obligation.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.